Introduction and Gratitude
This is my first blog post Yay 🎈
And firstly thank you to Hashnode for creating this awesome platform for developers and allowing us to express ourselves via blogging.
The Problem I Ran Into
If you registered a domain with Google Domains [Domains.Google] and also signed up for a hashnode blog. Now rather than pointing out your root domain [] to your hashnode blog [hashnode's subdomain ex:], if you want to point out your subdomain [] to your hashnode's blog then this blog post is for you :)
[or if you are just interested to gain some valuable knowledge then also you can proceed to read and you'll find it interesting ].
I'm going to share a solution to a problem that I ran into...
I couldn't find the complete solution [from A to Z] in one place over the internet so I had to find it on my own and connect all the dots myself.
And I speculate that others might be also facing the same issue so here I'm sharing the step-by-step process to fix this issue which will save others time, effort and energy.
I registered a domian [] through Google and after signing up for a hashnode account, I wanted to run my blog under my subdomain for ex:
So this is how I did it...
The Solution to a Problem
Here is the step-by-step solution which you need to follow to map your subdomain to your hashnode blog:
Step 1
Click your Avatar Icon on the top right of any page and select 'My blog' from the drop-down menu.
Then click on Blog Dashboard:
If you haven't created any blog yet and just signed up for a hashnode account then:
Click your Avatar Icon on the top right of any page and select 'Manage your blogs' from the drop-down menu.
Then click on Blog Dashboard:
Step 2
Now you're in Blog Dashboard. Under the General Settings menu, you will find the 'Domain' at the bottom. Click on it:
Step 3
Then click on Custom Domain:
Step 3
And enter your subdomain without http:// or https://
for ex: and then hit the Update button
Note: Here 'blogging' is my subdomain and is my main domain.
Now you will see something like this, see the below screenshot [if you noticed DNS config, SSL, Status all are disabled because the subdomain isn't propagated yet, in other words, the subdomain isn't mapped yet]:
Step 5
Then go to Domains.Google:
and click on Manage
Step 6
Then click on DNS from the left-side menu
Step 7
Now you have to enter three pieces of information:
Host name
And this is what you have to fill in:
1. Enter your desired subdomain in 'Host name' field ex:
Host name: blogging
2. In Type field select: CNAME
3. In Data field enter:
Step 8
Now hit the Save button and you'll see something like this:
Step 9
Now go back to your hashnode dashboard to check the status of your domain mapping and you will find something, similar to the below screenshot [this time you'll notice DNS config, SSL, Status all are enabled showing green color because the subdomain is propagated successfully, in other words, the subdomain is mapped Yay 🎈 success 🏆]:
This shows all is working fine right now 😀. And we can now visit
This is how I fixed the issue and I hope it will help you to get this done for your subdomain without wasting hours or days searching endless articles and going through a massive energy-draining process.
Thank you so much 🙏 for reading and being with me up until this point, I appreciate your time.
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